Thursday, October 23, 2008

Melrose Artists & Artisans Craft Show

Melrose is a small village and for many years women would craft and sell their products at the Melrose Craft Show. Tyendinaga Twp. Public Library is now hosting the show and has invited 22 artists and artisans to participate starting Saturday Nov. 8 and Sunday Nov. 9 from 10 am. - 4 pm.
The show is held in the Tyendinaga Twp. Recreation Hall situated on McFarlane Rd. off of Melrose Road. For more information contact the Library at 613-967-0606

I will be presenting my originals, prints and cards suitable for gifts for the Holiday Season.

Back to my painting....

'Magnolia in White'
Star Magnolia
copyright Cynthia Guthrie
acrylic & gel medium 11 x 14"

Thanksgiving has come and gone and fall is quickly settling upon us....the autumn leaves are beautiful and now are making a gleaming gold carpet.

It is time to return to my paintbrushes...
I continue to explore the use of the gel medium and found it to be quite effective for creating petals of the Star Magnolia which grows in my back yard. I hope you enjoy this latest work of mine.